Dog Bite Lawyer Everett, WA

When Man’s Best Friend Turns Deadly, Trust Our Everett, WA Dog Bite Lawyer For Help

Most dogs never harm another person or pet, but when one turns violent and vicious, the effects on the victim can be devastating, sometimes deadly. If someone else’s dog attacked you, someone you love, or your pet, you have the right to file a civil suit for all your damages. This includes medical care plus the emotional trauma of being mauled or bitten. In Washington, owners are responsible for controlling their dogs at all times; if an owner fails to do so, they can be liable for all harm their animal causes. Our Everett, WA dog bite lawyer can help you understand your rights after a dog attack.

At Deno Millikan Law Firm, PLLC, with 20 years of experience with dog bite cases, we have a strong history of successfully settling and litigating these claims. We know the unique complexities of these types of cases and have the knowledge and experience to address them. We want to ensure that irresponsible dog owners are held accountable for the harm they cause and that victims like you have the money they need for high-quality medical care to recover. Please call us today for a complimentary case review.

Compensation For Your Injuries After A Dog Attack

Treatment for a dog bite is tricky. The risk of infection is high, and suturing the wounds is complicated, as the edges are ragged and chunks of tissue are often missing. You may require multiple painful and invasive medical procedures, including rabies prevention treatment. Even after the injuries heal, you could have permanent nerve damage, limited range of motion and muscle loss, and extensive scarring. And that’s just the physical damage.

The emotional impact of a dog attack can change a person’s life. Many victims develop PTSD and phobias, and the fear of another attack may hamper your day-to-day life. You deserve fair compensation for your medical care, other material losses, plus your intangible losses. We can accurately value the extent of these losses so you receive every penny you’re entitled to.

Hiring An Attorney After A Dog Bite Shows You’re Serious

We noted that dog bite cases have complexities that other personal injury claims don’t. Victim blaming is very common after a dog attack. The owner often denies that their animal would do harm and alleges that you must have done something to provoke the attack. We act as the primary point of contact with the other party, shielding you from the vitriol that an upset dog owner may spew your way.

Dog bite claims can often be high-dollar ones. Insurance companies will carefully scrutinize our case, so we ensure it’s built on solid evidence, including physical evidence, witness accounts, and even the dog’s bite history or history of aggressive behavior. Whether we’re negotiating a fair settlement in mediation or arguing your case before a judge regarding an injury, our attorneys are committed to achieving the best possible outcome.

If you have been attacked or bitten by someone else’s dog, you have the right to file a suit for your medical care and other damages. Our Everett dog bite lawyer can help you navigate the legal system and secure the money you need to cover your losses. Contact Deno Millikan Law Firm, PLLC, today for a free case review to learn your options.